Friday, May 25, 2018

Safety Considerations For When Your Baby Starts Walking

A baby’s first steps are a major milestone. After being carried around for months, and then crawling around on hands and knees, children and parents alike deserve to be incredibly proud when baby starts walking because it’s a major accomplishment. There are a few practical matters that you should consider while you’re celebrating your child’s success to keep any accidents from happening due to their new mobility. In fact, it’s probably a good idea to start sorting things out well before babies start walking, so that your joy doesn’t have to be paired with a frantic search for potential dangers that have become newly accessible to your walking child. When kids start walking, their whole worlds open up. With a little bit of foresight, you can make sure that their big new world is a safe one.

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Hidden Dangers to Children You Didn’t Think About

Some household dangers to children are just no-brainers. We’ve been hearing about a lot them our whole lives, after all: watch out for the bleach and cleaners under the sink, keep the kids and dogs away from antifreeze because it tastes sweet, and to put those little plastic caps over electrical outlets so curious kids can’t stick forks and knives in them. Parents and guardians of toddlers and young children go out of their way to child-proof homes, erecting baby gates in front of staircases and installing latches on the medicine cabinets.
We all want to protect children as thoroughly as possible. That means that it’s important to consider the hidden dangers lurking in most homes that we might otherwise overlook. Accidents from hazards that seem harmless make up a huge percentage of the deaths and injuries of children every year. By being aware of the dangers, you can eliminate them, so you can keep your kid as safe as possible.